
In Manchester, Trafford and Cheshire Adactus tenants have allocated around £80,000 to 94 projects. Projects ranged from youth diversionary activities to healthy living to environmental improvements…
The Department for Communities and Local Government, in collaboration with the Government Equalities Office, is launching a call for applications for community engagement work to prevent female…
The Refugee Welcome Trust are offering an interactive workshop promoting understanding of the asylum process and how it might feel to be a refugee. How it worksIt’s a card game based session looks at…
Around 350 men each year are diagnosed with breast cancer. However, as the general perception of breast cancer is that it only affects women, those men who are diagnosed are often left feeling…
Do you have an idea you’d like to develop to apply for heritage lottery funding? Are you unsure of how ‘heritage’ is defined by the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF)? Did you know that BME led groups are a…
Join the lobby outside the Appeal Tribunal Manchester Date & Time: Thursday 16 October 2014, 9am-10amVenue: Asylum and Immigration Tribunal, Piccadilly Exchange, Piccadilly Plaza (top of Mosley…
Manchester and Liverpool have launched a joint bid, called A Tale of Two Cities, to win £120,000 of funding from Kew Gardens for wildflower planting. One community will receive the Grow Wild funding…
Helping local community groups and organisations to make a difference. The Eastlands Homes Community Grant has been launched to support projects and activities operating in east and south-east…
This is a key strategy for Manchester – the UK’s first Age Friendly City. It sets out how housing for older people will develop over the coming years and what action is needed to be taken now. It…
HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) has £2m funding to allocate in 2015/16 to the Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) to provide advice and support to their customers who need extra help understanding and…
Big Lunch Extras is designed to help people interested in bringing about small, positive changes in their neighbourhoods. It builds on the success of the Big Lunch which you might have heard of, and…
The Work Place Learning Programme is here to assist small and medium size enterprises by funding training to further develop their employee’s skills and abilities and can support small to medium…