
The implementation of the Health and Social Care Act 2012 required the largest ever transition programme in the history of the NHS. As clinical commissioning groups, health and wellbeing boards and…
The Manchester Guardian Charitable Trust offers grants to organisations undertaking a variety of charitable activities in Greater Manchester. In particular, funding is intended for projects that…
Funding is available for groups based in areas of urban deprivation in Greater Manchester which are combating poverty and empowering people to help in their own community. Voluntary and community…
In preparation for the next update of the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA), the Manchester Health and Wellbeing Board would like your help to understand what effect different issues have on…
The first round of the Centre for Social Action’s £14 million Innovation Fund has opened for applications from charities and social enterprises, as well as public sector bodies and commercial…
Student Action are running a new Thursday night Drop in at Young People's Support Foundation with Volunteers. The service is for 16-25 year olds and runs from 6.30 to 8pm at City Centre Project.…
Interested in finding out more about co-operatives and social enterprises in Greater Manchester? Want to attend visits, but need your travel costs paid? Co-operatives2020 are offering a series of…
Wildlife stocktake highlights UK's most threatened species – The State of Nature Report May 2013. An unprecedented stocktake of UK wildlife has revealed that most species are struggling and that one…
The Environment Team at Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU) is currently carrying out a research project around attitudes towards Education for Sustainable Development in relation to…
The third annual survey of Local Compacts is now open. Compact Voice are encouraging anyone with a knowledge of Compact working or government policy to take 10 minutes to fill in the survey. They are…
The Manchester Airport Community Trust Fund is a registered charity and was established to promote, enhance, improve and protect both the natural and built environment in our local community. The…
A comprehensive package of measures to help the voluntary sector and mutuals compete for contracts to cut reoffending has been announced by the Cabinet Office and the Ministry of Justice. This…