Lesbian and Bisexual Women's Health Event

Date & time: 15 June 2012, 12:00pm - 4:00pm
The Lesbian & Gay Foundation, Number 5, Richmond Street, Manchester, M1 3HF

This free event hosted by the LGB&T Partnership is supported by the Department of Health to raise awareness of lesbian and bisexual women's health issues, to celebrate the successes of existing service provision and to facilitate learning and networking to better meet these needs going forward.

The day is aimed at those currently providing or interested in providing health and support services to lesbian and bisexual women and will have presentations from current LGB&T health researchers and service providers with workshops to share best practice.

The National LGB&T Partnership is a group of 11 service providing LGB&T organisations from across England who have been working together for the last two years through the Department of Health’s Strategic Partners Programme to tackle the health inequalities experienced by lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGB&T) communities.

Attendees can apply for travel bursaries by emailing: [email protected] for information.

For further information and to book a place, visit: http://lesbianandbisexualwomenseventmanchester.eventbrite.com/?utm_source=Linx+231+-+31+May&utm_campaign=linx231&utm_medium=email.
