GM Walking Festival 2025

Manchester Active is teaming up with GM Moving to promote the Greater Manchester Walking Festival 2025, which takes place through all of May. The festival celebrates the joys and many benefits of walking and wheeling – including for people’s health and wellbeing.

They would love your fantastic walks to be included in the festival, Manchester had an amazing 70 walks in last year’s festival.

The festival is a celebration of walking and wheeling, as part of May’s National Walking Month, and an opportunity for everyone to get involved, whatever role you play in Greater Manchester.

This year, they have increased the number of ways in which you can get involved and recognise the many benefits of walking and wheeling more as a fundamental part of daily life.

Head to their website to find out more about: 

  • Hosting a public walk. Whether you’re a regular walk host or not, you can support the programme of free group walks designed and organised by and for, local people
  • Create a private walk for your group, business or organisation to get those around you moving more throughout National Walking Month
  • Make a commitment to celebrate everyday walking and wheeling throughout the GM Walking Festival and share how you benefit from moving around under your own steam. This could link into Mental Health Awareness Week (12-18 May) or Walk To School Week (19-23 May).

Need some help? 
If you’d like a chat about how the GM Walking Festival can support your work get in touch with the GM Walking Festival team at 

Find out more here