Voluntary sector representation group opportunity – Youth crime and violence

The Enthusiasm Trust have a unique opportunity for fellow organisations who are working within the youth crime and youth violence agenda.

The Enthusiasm Trust are gathering a number of key representatives who will become the voice of the community sector within this remit.

This group will inform and shape key elements of working with young people within this agenda. An opportunity to share good practise, set into motion key ideas and challenge existing approaches.

In order to make this group democratic it has been agreed that every 12 months interested parties can be elected by peers in this group. To sustain this group your partnership and experience in this agenda is needed. The Enthusiasm Trust have a vehicle to tackle difficult issues and opportunities to bring about innovative solutions as a sector.

What is expected of you;
• Engagement with the meetings, based on your proposal
• Attendance to a meeting quarterly and at peak times bi-monthly

For further information and to express an interest, email: [email protected] or [email protected]