Call-out for Workshops at Voluntary Sector Assembly for Manchester

Open Space

Call-out for Workshops at Voluntary Sector Assembly for Manchester on 30 Jan

One of the core functions of the Voluntary Sector Assembly for Manchester is to give space to Voluntary Sector Organisations to talk about the work they are doing and to discuss the issues that are important to them. In this way we build knowledge, build relationships and build solidarity between organisations.

In the next Voluntary Sector Assembly there will be space for four 45min workshops which will run concurrently. The idea is that these will be open to anyone involved in a Voluntary Sector Organisation in Manchester to run.

You may want to do a presentation on the success of a project you’ve run. You may want to stage a performance. You may want to encourage others to get involved in a campaign. You may want to tell people about the needs of the people you work with or provide a chance for those people to talk for themselves. You may want to have a discussion about an issue. Whatever you choose it should be something that you believe other voluntary sector organisations would want to come to.

If you would like to run a workshop either at this Voluntary Sector Assembly or a future one then please send me a short email with:
1) The name of the workshop
2) A strapline (if needed)
3) A longer description of the workshop including details of what it is about and how it will be run (is it participative, slides, presentation, discussion, performance, etc.)
4) Any resources needed (projector, flipchart, screen, etc.)
5) Whether you are able to run this workshop at the VSA on the afternoon of 30 Jan

Please send me this information as soon as possible if you want to be considered for a workshop at the next assembly.

We’ll pay for out-of-pocket expenses.

The planning group for the Voluntary Sector Assembly will choose 4 for the next assembly and advertise them through Manchester Community Central. After this we will be asking participants at the VSA and at future Assemblies to choose which workshops they would like at the next Assembly.

If you have an idea and want to talk it through before offering a workshop then please contact Nigel on [email protected] or 0161 834 9823.