Health Education North West Announce Adult Learners Week Awards 2014

Health Education North West is celebrating and promoting the national learning campaign Adult Learners Week in 2014 because learning is good for people and organisations.

Health Education North West would like your help to identify staff and volunteers, working in and across the whole of the Health and Social Care Sector, who have been transformed by learning and can inspire others to give learning a go. Nominating your learners and projects is a great way to celebrate learning, showcase what you do and encourage others to get involved.

Health Education North West believe people who engage in learning and development make a huge personal investment and commitment to patients and service users as well as themselves. Celebrating this learning is not only a way to recognise that investment but it also helps Health Education North West to describe their vision for health and social care in new and compelling ways for the future.

That is why they also want to hear about and celebrate innovative projects that are supporting transformational change across the sector; that are promoting integration, contributing to better coordinated health and care services and driving improvements to raise local health and care outcomes.

Laura Roberts, Managing Director of Health Education North West, announced seven awards for 2014 which will reflect the diversity of learning and the range of responsibilities across the Health and Social Care Sector.

Five individual awards:
• North West Apprentice of the Year in Health and Social Care
• Career Progression in Health and Social Care
• First Steps into Employment in Health and Social Care
• Supporting Learners in Practice in Health and Social Care
• Volunteer of the Year in Health and Social Care

Two project awards:
• Integrated Working and
• Developing a Shared Culture

For further information and to nominate, visit:, or contact Jennifer Doran at the Skills for Health Academy North West on 0151 482 5678, or email: [email protected]

Deadline: Friday 25 April 2014