MBME Network and the Heritage Lottery Fund

Do you have an idea you’d like to develop to apply for heritage lottery funding? Are you unsure of how ‘heritage’ is defined by the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF)?

Did you know that BME led groups are a national priority for Heritage Lottery funding?

The MBMEN Network and the HLF are working together to help more BME Groups apply for funding. Through a series of 4 sessions (the first one starts on 13 November), participants will learn everything there is to know about the different HLF grants, have time to talk through their heritage funding ideas with experts and be inspired by visiting local heritage sites.

Spaces are free but limited.

For further information and to book a place, contact Fiona McInroy, on 0781 153 1160 or email: office@manchesterbmenetwork.co.uk.