New therapy group for gay and bisexual male survivors of abuse - Places still available

There are still places left on the new therapy group for gay and bisexual male survivors of sexual violation. The group is free to attend, but there are only 12 places available.

Survivors Manchester and The Lesbian & Gay Foundation (LGF) are launching a new therapy group for adult male survivors of childhood sexual abuse, who also identify as gay, bisexual or questioning. Applications are also welcomed from trans* men, who identify as gay, bisexual or questioning.

What can I expect from the group?
This group will be the first of its kind within the North West of the UK, and will build upon the learning taken from existing psychotherapy groups, led by Survivors Manchester, along with The LGF’s expertise in supporting gay, bisexual and questioning men.

The first ten sessions will focus on awareness and understanding of the common symptoms and experiences associated with childhood sexual abuse (CSA). The aim of these sessions is to help focus and empower group members, so they feel more able to manage these symptoms and issues in an effective and helpful way.
Sessions even to twenty will be unstructured, with an aim to encourage members of the group to take ownership of their space. The safe space we will work together to create, offers the opportunity for group members to raise and explore issues related to their individual experience and recovery journey.

The group is for survivors of childhood sexual abuse – (which took place when the person was under 16 years of age) who:
• are aged 25 years and above
• identify themselves as male (including trans* men)
• identify as gay, bisexual or questioning
• live in Greater Manchester
• feel sufficiently motivated and at a stage in their individual recovery to promote positive change

How can I apply?
Contact one of the project team, who will then complete a short application form with you over the phone:

Tom Taylor, Clinical Lead at Survivors Manchester on:
[email protected], or contact the Survivors Manchester Helpline on: 0161 236 2182

Rossella Nicosia, Mental Health Co-ordinator at The Lesbian and Gay Foundation on: [email protected], or contact The LGF Helpline on 0845 330 3030.
