Voluntary Youth Manchester Survey 2016 - Listening and Learning

Each year Voluntary Youth Manchester (VYM) evaluates the work they do and the activities, resources and services they offer, and this year VYM want to get your feedback though an online survey.

Jiaojiao Mo, a postgraduate student undertaking a module in Intercultural Engagement at Manchester University, is assisting in putting this survey together. Her perspective from outside of the sector, indeed outside the country, has given invaluable objectivity.

The aim of the survey is to get your views on what VYM have done over the last year and to inform what they do over the coming year.

To complete the survey, visit: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/J7BHRZK. There are 20 questions which, depending on how much you want to add under 'other comments', should take you no more than 20 minutes. Jiaojiao's placement is until mid-May so it would help if you could respond by Thursday 5 May, earlier if possible, so she has time to analyse the results.
