Shared learning workshops in Greater Manchester

Wellbeing Our Way’s POW WOWs (shared learning workshops) bring together people working in charities, wider health and care organisations, and those with lived experience from across Greater Manchester to develop approaches which enable people to live well. They are a great opportunity for shared learning between staff working directly with people with long term health needs, as well as those who are commissioning and developing these approaches.

Supporting Self Management
Date and Time: Thursday 16 June, 10:00-16:00
Venue: Friends Meeting house, 6 Mount Street, Manchester, M2 5NS

The workshop will consider a range of practical approaches which may enable people with long term health needs to live well, in the ways which matter to them. Facilitators will represent a range of perspectives, including personal experience, charities, health and care organisations, and commissioners.

To book a place click here

Peer Support
Date & Time: Tuesday 28 June 2016, 10:00 - 16:00
Venue: St Thomas Centre, Ardwick Green North, Manchester, M12 6FZ

This workshop will explore experiences of peer support from the perspectives of those offering and receiving support, as well as the ways in which organisations can enable the development and positive impact of peer support.

Confirmed speakers include:
• Petra Ross, Head of Integration at University Hospital South Manchester NHS Foundation Trust, UHSM
• Liz Roberts, Community Partnerships Manager, The Stroke Association
• Young Facilitators, Manchester Mind
• Lousie Brady, Clinical Lead for Practice Nursing, North, South and Central Manchester CCGs

To book a place click here

National Voices
National Voices is the coalition of health and social care charities in England. National Voices want health and care systems which are person centered. This means that care is coordinated, people are in control of decisions about their health and care and everyone has fair access to care and support. National Voices have more than 140 charity members and 20 professional and associate members. Membership covers a diverse range of conditions and communities and connects with the experiences of millions of people. For further information, visit:

Wellbeing Our Way
National Voices’ Wellbeing Our Way programme is about enabling people to manager their health in ways which matter to them by enabling community and voluntary organisations to develop approaches like peer support, supported self management and care and support planning. Wellbeing our Way is supported by The Health Foundation, an independent charity committed to bringing about better health and health care for people in the UK. For further information, visit:

Macc is the voluntary and community sector support organisation for the city of Manchester. Macc’s purpose is to encourage, support and develop voluntary and community groups and individuals to have a real influence over the places and communities in which they live. For further information, visit:

Contact us:
Natalie Koussa (Wellbeing Our Way programme lead at National Voices) [email protected]

Claire Tomkinson (Wellbeing Development Lead at Macc) [email protected]