Greater Manchester Campaign Against Sexual Exploitation

GMCASE (Greater Manchester Campaign Against Sexual Exploitation) is a consortium of statutory agencies, not-for-profit organisations, charities and community groups working across the Greater Manchester conurbation, who collectively aim to tackle the issue of sexual exploitation of children and young people.

Originally formed from a recommendation of the Real Voices Report, authored by Anne Coffey MP and commissioned by Greater Manchester Police and Crime Commissioner Tony Lloyd; the group has already supported the development of a young person’s radio programme – NGY Show – on Unity Radio.

GMCASE will continue to work together to achieve excellence in supporting a GM-wide approach to tackling CSE, particularly as devolution evolves.

There are two strands to the membership for GMCASE:
• Strategic Membership
This strand includes statutory agencies such as Greater Manchester Police, Fire Service, Ambulance, NHS, Local Authority, the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, Academic and Education Institutions; and strategic representatives from the 10 local authority area CVS’s.
• Organisational Membership
This strand includes representatives from any organisation (Company Ltd by Guarantee, Registered Charity, Community Interest Company) or Community Group across Greater Manchester whose primary beneficiaries are:
a) young people (under 25); and/or
b) victims/survivors of sexual abuse, rape or sexual exploitation
c) have a project within their organisation where the primary beneficiaries are those listed above;
and can provide the following documentation (standard requirements in grant funding applications):
• A copy of the organisations rules, constitution or other governing document
• Equal Opportunities Policy
• Child Protection and Vulnerable Persons Policy
• Criminal Records Bureau (CRB)/Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) Policy
• Management Information Policy or equivalent that sets out how the organisation complies with the Data Protection Act 1998
• Health and Safety Policy
• Evidence of an organisations Insurance Policy (Employer’s Liability, Public Liability and Professional Indemnity if required)

GMCASE has core ‘steering group’ or ‘management’ committee made up of individuals from and representatives of the whole membership (e.g. Third Sector Large, Medium and Small Organisation, Statutory agencies, Local Authority, Police, Health, CVS’s, Children’s and Young People Specialist).

GMCASE will meet three times a year, which will include agenda time for overall update, sub groups feedback, evaluation time, new projects discussions, and have an annual symposium on CSE.

GM-Wide Transparency
GMCASE will produce an annual transparency report that will be wholly public and detail to the Greater Manchester public the work the members have been doing in the past 12 months, with the aim of increasing public confidence in a joined up approach to tackling CSE in Greater Manchester.

Current Membership
GMCASE is currently chaired by Duncan Craig (Survivors Manchester) and Deputy Chair by Sue Cuffe (Barnardos).

The current full membership of GMCASE is: 42nd Street; Action for Children; Ann Coffey MP; Barnardos; Beacon Counselling; Being Well Rochdale; Brook; CCF; The Children’s Society; The Enthusiasm Trust; Factory Youth Zone; Freedom Personal Safety; Greater Manchester Police; Lancaster University; Lime Culture; Manchester Rape Crisis; NSPCC; PACE; Pennine Accute Care; Project Phoenix; Protect Team; Railway Children; Salford University; St Marys SARC; Survivors Manchester; The Men’s Room; Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner Greater Manchester; Unity Radio; Young Person Support Foundation (YPSF).

Membership Application
To become a member of GMCASE, complete the attached agreement and send, along with your documents to: GMCASE , c/o Survivors Manchester, P.O Box 4325, Manchester, M61 0BG or email to: [email protected] using GMCASE in the subject line.
