Have your say in the future funding of youth and play work in Manchester

From next year, a million pounds of Council funding is going into Young Manchester, the new independent youth and play trust. Do you think your organisation should have a share and, just as importantly, a say in how things are organised in future?

Currently the Council has 60 contracts with the youth and play sector. In future, it looks like the Trust is planning for 15 or less.

Whatever the final decision things are going to change. Don't miss your chance to be round the table, to be aware of the issues, the possible models, to contribute to and inform the development of a sector approach to this major change in how to work together to deliver services for young people in Manchester.

Come to one or more of the three meetings being delivered in different venues around the city on 3 successive Thursdays in July:

• 7 July 2016, 2pm-4pm at St George’s Community Centre, Livesey Street, Collyhurst M40 7NY
• 14 July 2016, 2pm-4pm at Woodhouse Park Lifestyle Centre, Portway, Wythenshawe M22 1QW
• 21 July 2016, 1pm-3pm Hideaway Youth Project, Quinney Crescent, Moss Side M16 7DG

These events are being run by and for local youth providers from Voluntary Youth Manchester's Network, to ensure that all of the local providers have the chance to identify what needs to be funded and where, and to start to think about how we can arrange ourselves into groups of organisations to apply in partnership for the funding.

Please note that future funds commissioned through the Trust will be from a diverse range of sources and that this process of organising and considering future partnership arrangements will be useful not just in consideration of funds from MCC, but could equally relate to other statutory and charitable funding sources.

Nigel Rose from Macc will give an input at each meeting about different ways we can organise ourselves, (e.g. consortium, partnerships, alliances) so that we can make empowered choices for the benefit of Manchester's young people.

Don't miss this chance - it may be your last one to have a significant input into how we as a voluntary sector respond to the massive changes taking place.

To register, visit: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/have-your-say-in-the-future-funding-of-youth-play-work-in-manchester-tickets-26146220048