Join Manchester City Council’s budget conversation

Manchester City Council know that more budget cuts are coming, and before they start making budget decisions, they want to talk about what matters most, to you, in your neighbourhood.

Manchester City Council wants to use what you say to shape their future budgets.

Things have been tough in recent years. With Government cuts Manchester City Council are spending 35% less on services than they did five years ago. That’s £340m. And they know more cuts are coming.

Manchester City Council are currently spend nearly £530 million a year, more than half of that on social services, looking after children in care, people with disabilities, mental health problems and old people. The rest goes on services for all, like bins and street cleaning, roads, street lights, leisure centres and parks.

This time the Budget Conversation’s started early – so you can tell them what you value most, and join in as they work out how to grow the things about your neighbourhood you value most.

To join the budget conversation, visit: or tweet #OurBudget