Manchester City of Sanctuary are looking for a Chairperson

City of Sanctuary is an organisation with the main aim of offering, encouraging and creating welcoming spaces and activities in communities around the UK. As chairperson of Manchester City of Sanctuary it would be your job to try to embody this sense of welcome in meetings with Sanctuary Seekers and trustees during meetings in Manchester. Patience, kindness and strength are required of a good Chairperson, and if you have these qualities you should consider applying for the post if you feel the specification below matches your character and commitment.

As a newly registered charity there is large scope for a new chairperson to shape the direction of City of Sanctuary, working with Sanctuary Seekers (as opposed to for them) to decide how best to welcome people seeking safety here. More funding is being sought, the direct debit base is expanding, and the charity feels optimistic about a future of growth and more varied activity benefitting a larger number of individuals and educating a greater number of organisations.

Skills and experience required
• Excellent delegation and communication skills
• Understanding of the lives sanctuary seekers lead
• Understanding and oversight of financial liquidity (ensuring income is not overwhelmed by outgoings)
• Evaluation and reflection of City of Sanctuary’s adherence to its aims and objects as a charity
• Self-reflection
• Patience
• Leadership skills
• Reasonable IT skills (Word and Excel)
• Strategy skills and vision in regards to building and following up our pledges of support
• Good record keeping

Desirable Skills
• Public Speaking
• Facilitation of Group Activities
• Excellent IT skills
• Reasonable Social Media Skills
• Prior experience of committee/trustee work.
• Knowledge of the type of work undertaken by the organisation.
• A wider involvement with the voluntary sector.
• Experience of chairing meetings, committee work, some experience of charity finance/charity fundraising.
• Leadership skills exercised through a period of change

Time requirements (2-10 hours a week). This breaks down in various ways, and varies so much due to different activities. The board meets every 4-6 weeks for 2 hours. Certain times of year are busy for us, for instance when there is a conversation club, community meal and other events in a 10 day period. These ‘hotspots’ usually occur a few times a year. Generally answering emails and communicating to the team of trustees requires small regular maintenance.

For further information and to apply, email David Few at: [email protected]

Deadline: Friday 30 September 2016
