Fareshare Spirit Story - 4.49 Tonnes of Food

I would struggle financially and turn to crime in order to get food”. Eric was referred to one of the organisations Fareshare delivers to, Mustard Tree, after moving from homelessness into his first tenancy. He likes everything about the Food Club he is a part of and is glad it is here.

It was as usual a busy day for Fareshare. Having received 4.49 tonnes of food into the warehouse, 2.45 tonnes was re-distributed to 34 community organisations out of 216 members. These groups reach over 4000 people. Fareshare not only divert, sort and re-distribute surplus fruit and veg from New Smithfield Market, they also receive food directly from manufacturers such as four pallets of cake today. Fareshare helps save its charity members £7000 which they can use for other work.

Fareshare Greater Manchester redistributes surplus food to other charities and community organisations that use food to help people in need, either using the food in community cafes or distributing the food to the local community. Fareshare’s 17 volunteers and four staff are also able to provide primary schools with fruit to give to Key Stage Two pupils, provide food to community centres to help them provide meals for older people, and support the homeless by providing produce to organisations such as the Booth Centre. The food that FareShare redistribute is very varied and includes lots of fresh produce. 

This food helps families such as Lesley’s as it “stopped us going hungry” and the project helps its volunteers by giving them structured accredited work experience that could lead to employment and further training.