World Food Day - 16 October 2016

In 2015-2016 Manchester South Central Foodbank fed 1516 people, a massive 13644 meals plus extras such as toiletries, nappies and treats. They also provided 50 hampers for local people at Christmas time and fed 60 people on Christmas day in Moss Side, who would otherwise not of had a meal or would of spent Christmas alone.

Manchester South Central Foodbank provide food for local primary schools for their breakfast clubs; many children go to school without having eaten breakfast. Manchester South Central Foodbank donate food to other local charities that cook meals and take them out onto the streets for people who are street homeless and provide refreshments for local community groups for their meetings including groups for people with mental health issues and for ex-veterans who have poor health/addictions.

Over 90% of their food comes from the generosity of the general public, individuals turn up at the foodbank and donate a bag of shopping or people organise a collection at their place of work/worship/education. All donations make it possible for us to keep our doors open to help people who are living in food poverty.

People are referred to the foodbank by agencies that are supporting them in addressing the issues that are causing the food poverty. Agencies such as the Big Life, Manchester MIND, local Sure Start Centres, schools and GPS refer in.

World Food Day 16 October is about zero hunger throughout the world. In the UK 13 million people live below the poverty line (1-in-5 people). Many more go hungry because of high housing costs, unexpected bills, school holidays, loss of employment or under employment.

Manchester South Central Foodbank are asking for your support over the next few weeks in making a collection for their foodbank. The attached poster includes a shopping list of items the Foodbank often runs out of. The Foodbank gives people a set amount of food which is based on a nutritional diet and will provide a minimum of 3 meals a day for 3 days per person.

For further information, contact Karen Harrison, Foodbank Co-ordinator, on 0784 209 3922 / 0161 226 3413.
