Manchester City Council budget options

Manchester City Council are looking for your views on a range of savings options that they must consider to balance the Council’s budget over the next three years.

Manchester City Council have already made some tough budget decisions in the last five years, with £100 million a year less to spend and a third fewer staff to deliver services.

Unfortunately, Government cuts are likely to continue and The Council need to make more savings - between £40million and £75million over the next three years - on their current annual budget of about £530million.

For this part of the budget consultation the Council have drawn up a large list of possible options for making these savings, which they know will have an impact on you and your community. The Council want to understand how and why these options would affect you and your community.

The Council will use what you tell them as part of their budget-setting process to prepare their proposed three-year budget in January 2017. The Council will use your comments and ideas alongside the results of earlier consultation - an eight week ‘Budget Conversation’ in which residents, businesses and others who care about Manchester have been talking about what matters most to them in their neighbourhood and public services.

The current options add up to £58 million of savings.

There are options for:
• Growth and Neighbourhoods
• Children’s Services, Education and Skills
• Adult Social Care and Health
• The Corporate Core
• Strategic Development

Over the next three months the Council will look in detail at each of these options to consider the impact these proposals would have on the city and its residents and to decide which ones to include in their proposed budget which will be ready in early January.

As well as making reductions to services the Council could choose to raise income by increasing Council Tax. Increasing Council Tax by 1.99% each year could raise an additional £8.429 million over three years.

In addition Councils can add an additional 2% rise in Council Tax to help pay for services for older people and vulnerable adults. Making this increase every year could raise an additional £8.524 million.

No decisions on the budget will be taken till March next year.

For further information and to take part, visit:

Deadline: Thursday 15 December 2016