During summer 2016, Greater Manchester held a 12-week long public consultation on a draft 2040 Transport Strategy for the city region, which set out long-term proposals to create a cleaner, greener, more prosperous city region through better transport connections and simpler travel.
The draft strategy considered all aspects of travel – from local neighbourhoods to access to global markets – and focused on creating an integrated, sustainable, and well co-ordinated transport system which supports a wide range of different travel needs.
Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM) were very pleased with the range and depth of feedback they received on the strategy during the 12-week consultation, carried out by TfGM on behalf of the Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) and Greater Manchester Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP). In total, nearly 1,800 responses were submitted by members of the public, elected representatives, businesses and organisations. Over 70 per cent of respondents agreed that the strategy helped to achieve long-term, sustainable economic growth for all, showing strong public support for future plans.
Further development of the strategy, taking into account public and stakeholder feedback during the consultation, has led to some key amendments. This includes recognition of the crucial role that transport can play in providing access to healthcare and reducing social isolation. The final strategy also takes into account the importance of the night-time economy and providing connections for people travelling home from work late into the evening. Following public support, the strategy gives greater emphasis to improving cycling infrastructure and places an emphasis on the role of local streets as ‘places’ rather than just routes for traffic, with a commitment to enhance the natural environment where possible. The strategy also outlines the important role of transport in supporting major growth in housing and employment.
You can now read the Greater Manchester Transport Strategy 2040 online at: www.tfgm.com/2040, along with an executive summary and the supporting documents and ‘2040 Delivery Plan for 2016/17-2021/22’. Together, this suite of documents forms the new Local Transport Plan. You can also find a report summarising feedback received during the public consultation on the website.
TfGM’s ambition for 2040 is to deliver a transport system which makes it much easier for everyone travelling in Greater Manchester to reach a wide range of different destinations and opportunities, and where sustainable transport is a viable and attractive alternative to the car. This long-term strategy will be an essential tool in the journey to reaching that goal.
The delivery plan will be reviewed and reported on annually to ensure the policies and measures are working and helping to deliver the planned growth outlined in the Greater Manchester Spatial Framework, which is currently being developed.
For further information about the Greater Manchester Transport Strategy 2040, email: [email protected].