New Youth Provider needed to take over the running of Cedar Mount Club

Cedar Mount Youth Club has been run by Mancunian way for three years on a Friday evening. Mancunian Way is looking for a new youth provider to take over this provision so they can concentrate on their new Salford Centre.

Presently it runs 4pm-6pm, but has previously run 4pm-7pm and 4pm-8pm. It is housed at the school in an annex building called The Bridge and has some access to the sports hall, astro pitch and grassed areas. The school does not charge any rental to the youth club.

Manchester City Council currently contributes £5,500 per annum towards running costs. This funding is still on offer until the Young Manchester Trust is up and running and takes over all council youth funding contracts. It is expected that funding of this youth club will continue as Gorton South is a priority ward and has a lack of youth provision.

Mancunian Way will support any new provider to settle in, get to know the young people, and will be available for help and support as any new provider finds their feet.

Local Councillors are aware of this change and are supportive. Local Councillor NIF grants can be potentially accessed to acquire additional funding.

The current sports coach is happy to work with any new provider and secures some of his own funding.

For further information and to express an interest, email Nick Buckley at: [email protected]
