Statement from the Greater Manchester Interfaith Network, 23 May 2017

Dear All,

Our thoughts today, following the horrendous incident at the Manchester Arena last night, are with those who were caught up in the attack, especially those killed and injured and their families. Such acts of indiscriminate terror have no part in our society and we stand together with all who long for a world in which violence and terror does not have the last word.

As faith and interfaith groups in Manchester, we reaffirm our commitment to working together to increase understanding and respect between all people.

Murder and hate have no place in any faith and every one of our faith representatives and religious leaders join in calling to account those who perpetrate such acts of terror. We would also like to praise all members of the emergency services and all those members of the Manchester community who responded so well and with true public spirit and humanity to care for those affected and caught up in the incident.

We will continue to work and pray for a society of peace, understanding and harmony, where diversity and difference are not only tolerated but celebrated, bringing all people together in a democratic world of freedom, love and justice.

Today is a day of sadness and grief, but we also pledge our continuing determination to stand together in the face of evil and to show that our values are stronger. Those who carry out such acts want to spread division and hatred, suffering and death. We stand for a world united in love, peace, freedom, justice and compassion and today that message is needed more than ever.

We call upon all people of faith to remember in their prayers the families and communities affected by this incident and to continue to show by our everyday lives the values of love, peace and respect for all, as a sign of our enduring commitment to an ever more cohesive city and a more human world.

If you are available today there will be a peace vigil held at 6pm, Albert Square, we hope to see you there.
