GM Poverty Action Survey

Over the course of 2017 Greater Manchester Poverty Action (GMPA) has successful grown its network and increased its activities. GMPA would like to continue that work into 2018. GMPA can only do this through the active support and participation of organisations. Greater Manchester Poverty Action

GMPA are surveying their network on the idea of a paid membership scheme, whereby organisations support GMPA through an annual subscription. Members would be signalling their support for the values and vision of GMPA, and supporting them onto a more sustainable footing. As GMPA develops they will be able to consider what the benefits of being a member of GMPA might include.

The survey asks a number of questions about membership fees and expectations of membership. The survey should take no more than 15 minutes to complete and will close on 12 September 2017 at 5pm.

Complete the survey here: