NCVO A day in the life work shadow scheme 2017/18

A Day In The Life is a work-shadowing initiative that provides a unique opportunity for staff from government and voluntary sector organisations to step into each other's shoes for a day, and learn about how the other sector operates. NCVO

As well as improving cross-sector understanding, the programme helps participants find out about the roles and responsibilities of staff within another organisation, and the operational environments and wider contexts in which they work.

Applications for the 2017/18 scheme are now open, until 3 November. The scheme is free for applicants.

Government applicants
Employees of participating government departments can apply; staff from all levels of seniority and all types of role are invited. The departments taking part for the 2017/18 programme are:
• Cabinet Office
• Department for Communities and Local Government
• Department for Culture, Media and Sport
• Department for Education
• Department of Health
• Home Office

Voluntary sector applicants
Applications are welcomed from across the voluntary sector; anyone with permission from their employer can participate.

How the scheme works
Applicants are paired with a suitable person from the opposite sector
At a convenient time between November 2017 and April 2018, they can spend up to a day shadowing each other in their organisations.

For further information, visit: