Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership Independent Chair / Carers Champion

The Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership (GMHSCP) is seeking a passionate and driven individual to act as an Independent Chair/Carers Champion to support the Carers Strategy Group and the implementation of its delivery programme to enhance support and opportunities for carers. Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership

The Strategy Group brings together NHS, local authorities and voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) agencies from across Greater Manchester to improve the support offered to carers in all ten council areas.
The group aims to ensure a joined up approach to supporting and improve the health and wellbeing of carers, and make Greater Manchester a carer friendly region. A ‘Commitment to Carers’ developed between health, care and support organisations, a ‘Carers’ charter’ setting out what carers can expect, and a Delivery Plan for implementation of the Charter have been developed.

GMHSCP now need someone to champion implementation of the plan and its key objectives. The role will be a strong ambassador and represent GM carers at the most prominent and influential level possible to ensure they have a voice/influence and are recognised as key partners in the successful delivery of health and social care services for the future, across the whole of Greater Manchester.

GMHSCP are thinking of carers as people of any age who support, unwaged, a relative, partner or friend who – due to physical or mental illness, disability, frailty or addiction – could not manage without that support.

Ideally, the individual will be resident in the Greater Manchester area. If you are interested in this opportunity, submit an expression of interest (no more than 2 pages) by email to [email protected] detailing your strengths, skills and experiences in relation to the main requirements of this role by 13 November 2017, 5pm.

If you would like an informal discussion about the role contact Sheila Downey on 01706 922 918 or Joanne Chilton on 0161 625 7485.