Most people want to age well at home, remaining part of their community, connected with family and friends. We believe that decision makers in Greater Manchester across planning, housing, health and care need to reflect this aspiration and set it as an underlying objective, for all their policies, and then work together to ensure that all older people have access to a decent home in later life.
Good housing is fundamental to health and wellbeing. An adequate supply of affordable housing maintenance, decent quality, well-designed, accessible ordinary housing, as well as specialist and supported housing, can enable many more older people to live healthier lives in their own homes for longer. NHS plans to deliver more health care at or closer to home will be more difficult to achieve if older people’s homes are unsuitable.
Our Housing Manifesto has come out of our own experience and a workshop with Ambition for Ageing’s Greater Manchester Older People’s Network, Macc and Care and Repair England who support action by older people’s groups to improve housing and related services for an ageing population. Participants were older people from across Greater Manchester who are keen to see their aspirations incorporated into housing and integration strategies across Greater Manchester.
We were given the chance to answer just three simple questions:
1. What do I need to enable me to live independently and well in my home?
2. What should housing for older people be like?
3. What should housing for older people be like in the future?
Our Housing Manifesto is the outcome of this workshop.