Introducing ‘Home-Start Manchester’

Manchester is one of the local authority only areas in the country served by one local authority but with two separate Home-Start schemes. Both schemes' Trustees and Scheme Managers have been meeting for some time to evaluate the pros and cons of becoming one Manchester organisation. Home-Start Manchester has concluded that a merger of both schemes will create a stronger; more efficient and effective service for families, volunteers, referring and wider partner agencies. Home-start Manchester

Home-Start Manchester value their partners and the collaborative process of working with families to ensure the children of Manchester have the best possible start in life. It is therefore very important to take into careful consideration how the merger may affect you. With this in mind Home-Start Manchester is committed to creating one Manchester service that is as easy as possible to access; providing referrers with a clear understanding of Home-Start's support remit and mutual expectations and further easing any partnership working.

Home-Start Manchester already has some of the processes in place and will be developing them further ahead of a formal merger date of 2 January 2018:

  • One website at
  • One referral form and one referral point. Referrals can be submitted to: [email protected]
  • Referral triage completed by one citywide team
  • One waiting list system
  • Citywide coordinated volunteer training and support

Direct delivery staff will not change and families and volunteers will not experience any change to the service they receive as a result of the merger.

You will get a chance to meet staff from either scheme as Home-Start Manchester starts to co-deliver training or attend events and there will also be a change to management as one team across the City is created.

The service will continue to operate from its two office spaces in Wythenshawe and Cheetham for the foreseeable future and will update you if this changes.

Home-Start Manchester hope you won’t notice any difference to the service, but if you have any questions or experience any difficulties contact the office on 0161 945 6832 or email: [email protected]