Plant a Seed for Gender Equality – The Pankhurst Centre and Manchester Women’s Aid Crowdfunding campaign

In 2018 it will be 100 years since the first women secured the right to vote in the UK. Yet 100 years on, we are still fighting for gender equality. The Pankhurst Centre sees the social injustice still faced by women every single day and are calling you to action to help them to do something special for women and children in 2018: to build a Suffragette Garden to commemorate the work of Emmeline Pankhurst and the incredible Suffragette Women 100 years on, and foster the well-being of women still experiencing social injustice today. Pankhurst - votes for women

The Pankhurst Centre stands at 62 Nelson Street, Manchester as a permanent reminder of the Suffragette movement. It's where Emmeline Pankhurst and her family lived and it was here that they founded the Women’s Social and Political Union – or the “Suffragettes” as they were later known. The Centre now houses a small heritage museum and is home to Manchester Women's Aid, which provides housing and practical support for women fleeing abuse.

The Suffragettes used flowers and the language of flowers to send messages. They challenged the view that women could not be both feminine and political. This, alongside many others, is still a prejudice we fight against today.

At the back of The Pankhurst Centre there is a lovely outdoor space which provides a vital green lung in the heart of the Manchester Royal Infirmary, but at the moment it's relatively bare and in need of some love and attention. The Pankhurst Centre wants to turn it into a sanctuary for their women and children, many of whom have been through very traumatic experiences.

The aim is to build a Garden that will be both a celebration of women’s liberty, and raise awareness of the struggles for enfranchisement and the influence that those early Suffragettes had, and still have, on issues facing women and girls today.

It will not only be a tribute to Emmeline, but to all who have fought for gender equality over the past century, and all those still experiencing social injustice today.

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