Applications now open for the Youth Combined Authority

Andy Burnham and Cllr Shori are appealing to organisations who work with young people to apply so their young people can be part of the Youth Combined Authority – the first of its kind in the country. Greater Manchester Combined Authority

The Youth Combined Authority will:
• Advise the Mayor and GMCA on key issues and concerns of young people, and provide solutions
• Provide a critical voice and scrutinise the work of the Mayor and GMCA
• Undertake specific pieces of work, such as developing the Opportunity Pass and Curriculum for Life

The Youth Combined Authority’s membership will consist of 40 young people: 20 representatives from local authority youth councils and 20 from other youth groups across the city-region. Each member will serve for up to two years.

The Mayor and the portfolio holder for Young People and Social Cohesion are now seeking applications from organisations who work with young people that are keen to be members of the Youth Combined Authority. Organisations must be able to support their members to play an active role, and develop and deliver a work programme that will make a real difference to the lives of the city-region’s young people.

For further information and to apply, visit:, or email: [email protected] by Monday 29 January 2018, 9:00

There is an information session on Tuesday 16 January 2018 where you can find out more about the Youth Combined Authority, to book a place, visit:
