Two new reports on diversity and the charity sector

Walking the talk on diversity - NPC

Time and again, research into diversity amongst trustees and senior managers in the charity sector shows little progress. So why is the charity sector still struggling with this? What gets in the way of making it a priority? 24 charity leaders were interviewed for this NPC report along with trustees and a review of organisational psychology literature was undertaken to explore this question further. This research briefing presents their findings on:

  • What’s holding the charity sector back from improving its diversity
  • How we can increase diversity and inclusion in the charity sector

 A copy of the report can be downloaded from the NPC website -

Racial diversity in the charity sector

ACEVO and Institute of Fundraising (IoF) ask civil society leaders to commit to eight principles to address the diversity deficit in charity leadership.

In this report, ACEVO and IoF urge charities to prioritise increasing diversity in their workforces in order to prevent groupthink, generate more income, operate more creatively and attract the best talent. In order to create stronger, more resilient charities the two membership bodies are asking charity leaders, and leaders from wider civil society organisation that want to improve diversity and inclusion, to sign up to eight leadership principles.

These principles, a list of signatories and a copy of the report can be found on the ACEVO website -

