Many of you will already be aware of and have participated in Manchester City Council (MCC) and Manchester Health and Care Commissioning’s (MHCC), joint review of their Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) infrastructure contracts held with Macc that took place earlier this year. The purpose of undertaking the joint review was to provide feedback on the existing services to inform the next steps and future infrastructure contract. See attached report to MCC Community and Equalities Scrutiny (December 2018) for more details on the review.
Based on the feedback from the joint review, the Our Manchester VCS Programme Board and MHCC Executive agreed to extend the original timeline for procurement of the new contract for a further 6 months to allow for a co-design process to be completed. A co-design group has been established as part of the process to develop the new service model and contract. Delivered across 3 sessions, facilitated by the Programme Team, the purpose of the co-design group is to make a set of recommendations to the OMVCS Programme Board on the key principles, objectives and outcomes for the new contract. All of the details of the co-design group including membership, role and boundaries, decision making, presentations and notes from the sessions are contained in the documents attached below.
The co-design group have now made their recommendations and they would like to hear your views on these before anything is finalised. Please complete the consultation and let them know what you think.
The survey can be completed here:
The feedback responses will be considered prior to the finalisation of the new service specification and procurement process that will be delivered later this year. The survey is open from Monday 28 January until Monday 25 February 2019.
If you have any questions contact Jess Waugh or Michael Salmon on 0161 234 3316 or email: [email protected]
For further information, visit: