Common Purpose offers 30 bursaries for 30 years of leadership

Common PurposeTo mark its 30-year anniversary, leadership experts Common Purpose UK, are offering 30 free bursary places on their leadership programmes. The places will be available to people, and organisations, who would not normally be able to afford to invest in their own leadership development, for example, small social enterprises, start-ups and small charities.

Marie Mohan, CEO of Common Purpose UK said: “In a time of complex problems and uncertainty, there is an increasing need for effective leadership but also for more diversity in leadership. For 30 years we’ve been delivering cross-boundary leadership programmes – inclusive leadership is what we do.

“We now have over 50,000 UK alumni, but we want to support more, and make more impact in terms of supporting leadership, in all walks of life. So we’re excited that we are now able to offer 30 free bursary places on our programmes across the UK.

“We’re making it as easy as possible for people to apply for a bursary they just need to go to our website and apply for the one that is most relevant to them, whether that’s emerging or senior leaders. Our local teams will then let them know whether they have been successful.”

In the North West, Common Purpose will be holding a series of events, to mark 30 Years of Leadership, with the first one running on the 10 October in Preston and two more being planned for 2020 to run in Liverpool and Manchester.

Zoya Stott, a Senior Programme Director in the North West said: “We are really looking forward to our events this year which will bring our alumni together to celebrate. There’s no doubt there will be discussions about challenges but also opportunities to share insights and collaborate, for the good of the region. It will be a great reminder of why we were established, all those years ago, because complex problems don’t come in neat packages – they cross boundaries and we need leaders who can do that too.”

“We hope to have alumni coming from across the years to our Liverpool and Manchester events in 2020 – from students to emerging and senior leaders – to talk to a range of café conversation hosts from the region.’

“Our 30-year anniversary will be a great chance to celebrate our long track record but also to support future leaders of the region and thank all our contributors and partners who support our work and quest for inclusive leadership,” concluded Zoya.

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