Autumn Courses at Back on Track

Please see the attached timetable for a full list of exciting courses starting on Monday 28th October and finishing on Friday 13th December.

We have exciting courses available including:

Brush up on your Basic Skills!
We offer English, Maths and Computer courses for all who would like to improve their basic skills, whether that's writing a CV or getting better at spelling, learning how to budget or gaining confidence around computers.  All our basic skills courses offer support in a friendly and non judgemental environment with lots of help available from the tutor and volunteers.

Explore Opportunities with the North West Ambulance Service
Work with the North West Ambulance Service to find out all about the field, the range of jobs and volunteering opportunities available and gain key skills and the knowledge required to progress into this field.

Nurture Nature
Explore local woodlands and have a go at creating birdboxes and hedgehog homes.  Provided in partnership with City of Trees, this course will enable you to get outdoors and help improve local greenspace whilst working towards an entry three credit of a Woodlands Qualification.

Catering & Hospitality
Gain skills and explore opportunities available in catering.  Includes food hygiene qualification, a short work experience taster in Swan Kitchens, participation in the Moving On group and 1 - 1 advice and guidance.

Want to find out more?
Come along to our Tuesday afternoon drop-in between 1.30pm and 3.30pm where you can have a look round, meet staff and volunteers, find out about the courses we offer, or just enjoy a cup of tea and biscuit. The drop-in runs year-round every Tuesday, no appointment necessary – just turn up. This is open to potential service users and / or staff from your organisation. 

Women's Group Open Afternoon
Our long standing Women Aloud group runs an open afternoon at the start of every term.  This is a great opportunity to drop in and meet other women to find out more about the group and how to get involved.  A great afternoon with arts and crafts activities as well as a free lunch and a few laughs.  This will be on Monday 28th October 1.30pm to 3.30pm and for more information contact [email protected]

Got service users who are definitely interested?
Service users can contact Back on Track directly for an enrolment appointment by ringing 0161 834 1661, or can be referred by a worker from an agency they are working with. Appointments last about 40 minutes and provide an opportunity for service users to identify their long and short term goals and to decide on which courses to do.

We can come to you
If you would like a member of our engagement team to come and speak to a group of your service users or staff, then please contact Maryam on 0161 834 1661.

What is Back on Track?
Back on Track provides courses and guidance for adults aged 18+ who have had problems with drugs / alcohol, mental ill-health, homelessness or convictions.

We aim to help all our service users move on to something positive, for example: volunteering, paid work, further learning or participation in local clubs and classes. 
Visit our website for more information about us: