Equality objectives: making Manchester a more equal place

Manchester City CouncilManchester City Council wants to make Manchester a more inclusive and equal place, where everyone has the same opportunities and a good quality of life, and we all value the diversity of each other’s different backgrounds.

Manchester City Council are renewing their equality objectives – the things they want to achieve for 2020 to 2024 – to help them focus on the most important areas. Manchester City Council want your view on what matters to you.

The results of this survey will help to refresh their equality objectives for 2020 to 2024.

Their proposal is to set three main objectives. For each objective they have set out some examples of the kind of things we will focus on doing.

Objective 1 – knowing Manchester better
Objective 2 – improving life chances
Objective 3 – celebrating our diversity

Manchester City Council will gather your views together and ask you to rank what you think is most important in a follow-up consultation.

Manchester City Council will then prepare their findings and present them to the Community and Equalities Scrutiny Committee ready for April 2020.

For further information and to give your views click here

Deadline: 1 December 2019