Manchester Move is changing

manchester moveThe Manchester Move system started in 2011. Since then, fewer social homes are becoming available for people to rent, there has been a large rise in homelessness and more people have joined Manchester Move hoping to get a social home.

The council and Manchester Move are changing the rules so that more people have a better chance of getting a social home. The new rules start on 3 November 2020. The new scheme rules will apply to everyone.

People with a Manchester Move application will not need to make a new application.

Some people might be asked to provide some additional information so that their application is in the highest band that it can be.

It is necessary to keep applications up to date, and we recommend that everyone checks their information is accurate and up to date.

The council and its partners are building new homes, but they take time to complete, so it’s important that people are realistic in their housing choices.

There is very good advice on the Manchester Move website about bidding and about other housing options.

If you receive a message about your Manchester Move application, contact the housing provider that deals with your application. Details are in the “welcome to Manchester Move” letter that you received when you made your application.