Beyond 2020: The Role of the VCSE Sector (including VSNW’s AGM)


This third event in VSNW’s Festival of North West Thinking will combine their AGM with a look forward at the future of the sector.

The third event of Festival of North West Thinking brings together funding bodies and think tanks to look at the role of the sector beyond 2020.

This final event will hear from the leaders of some of the UK’s largest funding organisations on their plans for the future. They’ll be addressing both their strategies for balancing the ongoing need for emergency funding with the increasingly pressing need for organisations across the sector to secure the longer term funding they need to plan for the future, and how the learning they’ve taken from changing funding processes as part of their Covid-19 emergency response will be integrated into their funding strategies and processes going forward.

The event will also hear from the leaders of some of the UK’s most influential think tanks about their visions for Covid-19 recovery and the role they see the VCSE sector playing in this. They’ll be the opportunity to engage these guests in the discourse from other events earlier on in the Festival, and the opportunity to ask questions of your own.

This event is aimed at colleagues in leadership roles in the VCSE sector from across the North West. Although the event will include VSNW’s AGM, this is an open event and attendance is not limited to VSNW’s members. The AGM section of this event presents an opportunity to find out more about VSNW’s work.

For more information and to register click here