Back on Track - Making a difference to climate change

‘I love learning about how nature can help with climate change, especially living gardens to help insulate buildings and how trees can help reduce carbon’ – ‘Make a Difference’ course participant

Today Back on Track held one of their ‘Make a Difference’ workshops teaching their learners about climate change. The workshop, which is part of a 7 week course, not only teaches people about the science surrounding climate change, but also helps learners to identify meaningful and realistic steps that they as individuals can take to make a difference, for example through reducing waste or using re-usable products instead of single use plastic.

Kate who is the course tutor says ’Today 12 of us have been to visit the Ignition Project which is a lab in Salford and this has been a great opportunity for the learners to learn about all the different ways cities can transform themselves to be more sustainable and have more greenery.’

The course participants are also going to design a display that will be put up in Back on track to help raise awareness of the types of actions people can take in their day to day life to help make a difference to climate change. Participants can also sign up for other courses happening soon covering repairing and recycling, composting and growing at home and how to shop, cook and eat greener food.

The course has proven to be really informative, as one participant says ‘‘I knew a few things about climate change before the course but there are many things I can build on and new ways I can change my habits’.

Find out more about Back on Track and the work they do here 




