Spirit of Manchester Story Week - Green Doctors

Groundwork - Green Doctors

Meet James who is 62 years old and from Wythenshawe.

Before being contacted by Groundwork, James was without any heating or hot water. His boiler had packed in, and he wasn’t sure on how he was going to get his boiler fixed. After speaking with a member of the Energyworks Team he managed to get his boiler replaced. He was extremely happy with the help he received, and how efficiently the gas engineers fitted his new boiler.

Making the Switch

James was experiencing another issue too and was having problems with his energy supplier, which had led to him falling behind on his payments. After speaking to Daniel, one of Energyworks Green Doctors, James has managed to pay off his outstanding debts and has now switched to a more cost efficient energy supplier.

To help in the future, the Green Doctors helped to install smart meters at James’ property, so he can keep on top of his bills and not fall behind with any payments.

James commented,

“It has been very good to have help from Groundwork. I will now be warm within my home, which was a big concern for me previously.”

This story was originally posted at https://www.groundwork.org.uk/hubs/greatermanchester/personal-stories/energy-personal-story-james/ 
