Dormant Assets consultation

You may be aware that the Government is now consulting on the most recent round of dormant assets funding, this consultation closes on 9 October 2022. Consultation launched to decide on future good causes to benefit from £738 million consultationDormant Asset Fund in England

We at Macc believe that part of this funding should be used to create a ‘Community Wealth Fund’. This is a long term investment – at least 10 years of funding – focused on the hyper local level, and how it is spent will be decided by communities. The aim of this fund is to create lasting, long term and sustainable change in areas that need it most.

Macc is part of The Community Wealth Fund Alliance, a group of over 600 organisations (which includes a number of us in Greater Manchester) which is calling for this dormant assets funding to be used to create an independent Community Wealth Fund.

The Community Wealth Fund Alliance is encouraging people to respond to the Government consultation in support of a community wealth fund approach. Note: the Government is explicitly considering Community Wealth Funds as an option for the dormant assets funding.

We at Macc want to ensure the Community Wealth Fund response to the consultation considers the views of us in Greater Manchester. Therefore if you are supportive of the Community Wealth Fund proposal, and would like to be part of creating a Greater Manchester response to the Government’s consultation we encourage you to take part, just follow Dormant Assets consultation and how to respond for more information and to submit your thoughts.

Alternatively, if you want to share your thoughts about how this Community Wealth Fund could work best for Greater Manchester, just drop Tom Waring an email at: [email protected] and Tom will make sure your thoughts are included in the consultation.