Reclaim Black Heritage Fund

The Reclaim Black Heritage Fund has grants available for up to £4,000 for projects that would benefit the black community and commemorate 1981. The funding is open to black-led groups and funding bag imageindividuals that are in line with the 81 Acts Humanifesto.

Your project can be whatever you want it to be, so long as it is creative, engaging, and seeks to honour the principles of the Humanifesto.

It should also address itself to one of these six themes:
Regroup and Renew

To be considered for support, Groups and Projects eligible are as follows:

  • The Act-Maker is a Black-led group or individual
  • The project upholds the principles and values of the 81 Acts Humanifesto
  • The Act-Maker must be in the stated locations
  • The Act-Maker has a primary objective of creating long-term change in society by addressing the causes of injustice and inequality related to the ’81 Uprising
  • The Act-Maker focuses on addressing issues that face the stated communities and are led by that community
  • The Act-Maker struggles to get funding elsewhere, particularly if other funders might consider them to be ‘too radical’
  • If the Act-Maker is a group: Groups that have been formed for 6 months or more and can demonstrate 6 months of regular activity
  • The group/individual ethos aligns with NHLF guidance

The priorities are:

  • To commemorate the 81 uprisings
  • To benefit and support the Black community in the stated location

Apply here

Deadline: 3 April 2023