The Greater Manchester Migrant Destitution Fund: Offering dignity amidst the Hostile Environment 

The GM Migrant Destitution Fund aims to support people forced into destitution by their immigration status. By providing £80 cash grants per month, the fund has been a lifeline to those living at the hard edge of the Hostile Environment – denied the right to work, welfare and housing, solely on the basis of their immigration status.  

“In April 2016, I was made homeless because my asylum claim was refused. During that time, I realised I was less than nothing. A refused asylum seeker is 

an existent number that is added to the burden. There is no support available to make those people to give hope to a future, where he/she will be treated as a human. I joined MDF to change that.” Long-term MDF volunteer Lutfor  

The grants help meet basic needs, reduce dependency on others, and restore dignity. Since 2020, the fund has distributed over 2,500 grants totalling £215,000. Very sadly, the fund is currently paused due to lack of funding – though there are plans to reopen in the coming months. See how you can help the fund reopen below. 

While the fund supports people in a range of circumstances, the majority of applications are from refused asylum seekers, many of whom will ultimately have their protection needs recognised by the Home Office. Some recipients are street homeless, others are hidden homeless, depending on the goodwill of friends and relatives. Some are elderly; others have small children. To promote dignity and choice, there are no strings attached to how grants are spent – they might be spent on fresh food, credit/data to keep in touch with loved ones, or travel to key medical or legal appointments. By helping meet essential needs, the grants can also provide headspace to engage in the arduous and complex legal process of escaping destitution. 

As Rashidah, from partner organisation Growing Together Levenshulme, writes, “MDF is a lifeline for many of our participants who are in receipt of it. They are vulnerable and often dealing with other serious and challenging issues – trauma, mental and physical health issues, anxiety, separation from family etc. They are survivors against the odds, and MDF makes their journey that bit more bearable. Having MDF to look forward to each month lifts their spirits and for some make life worth living. Knowing they are not forgotten, someone somewhere cares.”  

The fund is managed by Macc in partnership with volunteers from the Migration and Destitution Action Group. Referrals are made by partner charities working directly with people who are destitute. In addition to the grants themselves, MDF facilitates partnership working between referrers to share challenges and best practice around working with destitution. Additionally, the fund has offered a forum for people with lived experience of destitution to speak out and raise public awareness. 

Read more about the fund here. Although the fund is currently paused, the team are working hard to raise the funds to reopen in the coming months. If you would like to help reopen this essential lifeline, do consider setting up a monthly donation at by clicking here. The action group is also looking for more volunteers - if you would like to volunteer, please email [email protected].  
