Communities and Equalities Scrutiny Committee - February 2024

By Emily McKinnell 

The committee discussed the annual public sector equality duty report, providing an overview of council’s delivery against objectives of knowing Manchester better, improving life chances and celebrating diversity.  The report acknowledged good progress but recognised gaps and where further progress can be made. 

Further discussion from committee revolved around sharing a delivery plan for the objectives, ensuring inclusive procurement and how we can foster good relationships between communities with different protected characteristics. The committee also questioned how the strategy is considering a trauma informed approach in working towards objectives.  

The committee then discussed the progress that has been made by Manchester Active in the development and achievement of the Manchester Sport and Physical Activity Strategy and the progress made using sport and physical activity to enable Manchester residents to be healthier and happier. The committee praised Manchester Active highly and commended the work being done.  

The committee then discussed Council’s Community Events Fund (CEF), including how it is administered. The report outlined the challenges that the sector currently faces and considerations that may influence the City Council’s approach to future funding for community events. 

The final item discussed was the 2024/2025 budget, to which members raised concern over the uncertainty of the continuation of the Household Support Fund from government, and funding for homelessness prevention and support and recognising how central government failed to provide appropriate funding for areas most in need, like Manchester. The withdrawal of a previous proposal to reduce the book fund budget by £30k was welcomed, and it was recognised that households in Manchester were still feeling the impacts of the cost-of-living crisis.