Greater Manchester Race Equality Panel Facilitation Market Engagement Event

Greater Manchester Combined Authority is seeking to provide contract funding for the facilitation of the Greater Manchester Race Equality Panel.

The Race Equality Panel was established in December 2020. The Panel work to promote racial equality, tackle racial discrimination and foster positive relationships between ethnically diverse communities, and embed the Public Sector Equality Duty in polices, processes, procedures, practices and people development. GMCA Greater Manchester Combined Authority logo

The Race Equality Panel is one of seven equality panels established to help tackle inequalities and discrimination, through the advancement of equity and fairness in decisions, policies and services across all sectors and communities. The Panels advise, support and challenge Greater Manchester’s political leaders and policymakers, and champion Greater Manchester as an inclusive city-region.

The contracted party will manage the day-to-day running of the Panel, with strategic support from GMCA officers, to achieve the shared ambitions of a strong, effective panel, that acts as a bridge between GMCA and partners and the wider community, contributing to a broader tackling inequalities agenda.

More details are in the briefing attached.

The GMCA invites organisations wishing to bid to attend an online supplier event on 8 April 2024 12.30pm-1.30pm where the tendering process and contract delivery requirements will be outlined.

To attend email: [email protected]