0333 321 3021


Open Data

We have released a range of data including grants we have awarded, statistics on the groups and volunteers on our database and the results from our State of the Sector survey.

What is open data?
Macc subscribes to the following definition of open data:

  • Open data are data that can be freely used, reused and redistributed by anyone
  • It is subject only, at most, to the requirement to attribute and sharealike
  • Open data are the building blocks of open knowledge
  • Open knowledge is what open data becomes when it’s useful, usable and use

Macc is committed to a strong community and voluntary sector in Manchester. We believe that open data can assist with this ambition, through enabling transparency of our actions, in the form of open data.

Open Data for VCS organisations
Wondering what open data means for your organisation? We've pulled together some frequently asked questions in this handout on open data for VCS organisations

Our open data goals
When publishing data about our work, Macc has three main aims:

  • That our data are useful
    We wish to publish data that bring value to those building a stronger community and voluntary sector.
  • That our data are meaningful
    We wish to publish data that add to the ongoing dialogue and discussion about the sector.
  • That our data are accessible
    We wish to publish data in an open and accessible way, and provide regular narrative and understanding to the stakeholders.

In this context, Macc aims to operate an open data policy that is robust and practical, leading to greater engagement in the issues faced by the community and voluntary sector in Manchester.

Open Data Policy
Our Open Data Policy explains what open data is, why we are releasing the data, our goals, commitments, principles and practices, how you can use our open data and our Code of Conduct when using the data.

Data use Code of Conduct
Macc encourages others to access, use and discuss our open data. We strive towards a strong community and voluntary sector in the City of Manchester, and value the contributions and insights that can be gleaned through use of data. Our full code of conduct can be found here

Open data sets


Data Download License Notes
Data on our grants awarded

.ods format - Download the data

.xlsx format - Download the data

This data has been produced in accordance with the 360 Giving Standard: http://threesixtygiving.org

Creative Commons
Grants_data by Macc is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Download the data release table

Last updated May 2024


Data Download License Notes
Quarterly statistics on the groups registered with Manchester Community Central

.ods format - Download the data
.xlsx format - Download the data

Creative Commons
Groups_data by Macc is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Download the data release table

Last updated July 2024

State of the Sector

Data Download License Notes
Biannual results from a State of the Sector Survey

Download the data*
Download the survey

Download the data
Download the survey

Creative Commons
State_of_the_sector_data by Macc is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Download the data release table

*Please note: the data only includes responses from organisations that agreed to make their anonymised data available to all via an open Data Portal.

Last updated April 2018


Data Download License Notes
Quarterly statistics on the volunteers registered with the Volunteer Centre .ods format - Download the data
.xlsx format - Download the data
Creative Commons
Volunteers_data by Macc is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Download the data release table

Last updated June 2020 *Please note this data does not include volunteers registerd for our Covid-19 Volunteering Programme*

We use Government Statistical Service (GSS) and Office for National Statistics (ONS) ward codes and Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCG) codes in our data. You can find the codes for these in our look-ups spreadsheet, which can be downloaded here.

For more information on the look-up codes, click the links below:
GSS codes, ONS codes, CCG areas

Resources for more information
Wondering where else to access open data? Try this list of useful open data sources, tools, websites and organisations

GrantNav – Search, explore and download grants data published by UK funders in the 360Giving Data Standard

360Insights – See grantmaking in new ways, combine and visualise 360Giving, charity and other data to answer questions about grantmaking

Have any questions?
Email us at [email protected] with any questions about our open data.

We're a 360Giving publisher

PDF icon Open Data Policy.pdf240.27 KB