Factsheet 31: Marketing campaign steps

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Here are some ingredients for putting together a successful marketing campaign. Work through these points to make a start on your campaign. You can use our Marketing campaign template.

1. Audience – How many of them? Who are they? What are their interests? Try and think of one person. Break large groups into different groups. Write down who they are, where they go and what interests them

2. Get one clear objective – event, brand, service, recruitment. Don’t try to cover more than one at a time

3. Creative concept – What will it look like? How can you best appeal to your audience? Picture the finished product. What are the main elements? Why does it matter? What service are you are selling. What’s the crucial element – tell the story

4. Hero/Heroine – Your story needs a human face. Who are they? What three things do you know about them? Try and use a real person if you can

5. Hook – What is the hook? How can the audience identify with the protagonist, the situation and the goal? Make it specific. Write your first three sentences

6. Highlights – Don’t be predictable. What is your unique selling point? What are the barriers and surprises? What do we have? Maybe use relevant stats and humour. Three highlights that will keep your readers attention

7. Conflict – What are you trying to solve? Not necessarily an organisation but an issue/problem. What solution or improvement are you offering?

8. The big picture/ideal future – If everything succeeded what would your ideal future be for your organization and the communities you work with? What world will exist if it works?

9. Emotion – What’s the emotional hook? Make your audience emphasise, understand and care. How you want your audience to feel after reading your campaign

10. Urgency – What do you want them to do? How do they fit in? Why now?

11. Timing – What is the best time to target your audience? Research has shown Friday or Tuesday afternoons are good for sending email to get a response.

Further help
Contact us 0333 321 3021, or email: [email protected]


Updated: January 2020