Getting on Board: To infinity and beyond: an introduction to charity finance for trustees

Date & time: 14 March 2024, 5:00pm - 6:00pm

This free introductory session explores the world of Trustee finance duties and give you a good foundation to begin your Trustee journey

This session is part of our Trustee Learning Programme, providing free and high-quality training to support people to become and serve as effective trustees.


This online session is for trustees and aspiring trustees who have a passion to really understand the stories behind the numbers and how to use them to build a financially sustainable organisation.

The webinar covers:

  • What we mean when we talk about charity finance
  • How to recognise our own money personality and what that means for our charity
  • What good looks like and how to take good financial decisions well
  • Where to look for guidance and how to know what guidance to look for
  • Common elephant traps for charity boards and how to avoid them
Getting on Board
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