NCVO: Trustees Week 2024: Knowledge exchange and networking session for trustees

Date & time: 06 November 2024, 6:00pm - 7:30pm

This session is for NCVO members only - membership is free for organisations with an annual income of under £30,000. You can find further information and apply here. 

Network with other trustees from NCVO member organisations in facilitated sessions. Share experiences and challenges, work through solutions together, develop new relationships and learn from your peers.

The saying goes ‘a problem shared is a problem halved'. We know trustees from organisations of all sizes have lots to learn from each other.

This event will bring together trustees from large and small NCVO member organisations to:

  • share challenges
  • get a different perspective on issues
  • hear ideas and solutions.

By the end of the event, you’ll:

  • discuss some key trustee recruitment and retention challenges facing your board
  • share concerns and explore solutions
  • connect with other trustees.
Shared Topic Areas
Further details / booking