NCVO Online Training - Creating a theory of change of your charity


What results are you seeking? What difference do you want to make? A theory of change is a popular tool used to help you plan and communicate what you do and to support your monitoring and evaluation.

In this course, you will learn about and create your own theory of change and narrative. The tool will help you articulate and connect the changes (outcomes) your organisation wants to make with the activities you intend to carry out. This course will challenge you to think critically about what you are doing and why.

By the end of the day you will have:

  • Improved your understanding of what a ‘theory of change’ is and how it can be used for planning and evaluation
  • Increased knowledge of how to develop a theory of change
  • Increased confidence and skills to develop a theory of change for your organisation

Who should attend?
This course is for anyone involved in running organisations, programmes, projects or campaigns who wants to better understand and articulate the work they do.  Attendees of this course are often responsible for internal monitoring and evaluation, strategy development, communications, or reporting on the value of their organisation’s work. Participants range from project managers to leaders of voluntary organisations and trustees. 

NCVO pricing structure is based on your organisation’s gross annual income. NCVO members also receive a 30% discount off training prices. Organisations with a gross annual income of less than £30,000 can join NCVO for free and will then qualify for the discount.

For more information on membership and pricing click here

From £55.00 for NCVO members
Further details / booking

Visit NCVO for further information and booking.