Volunteers' Week Stories: Shelley

Shelley, 71, from Didsbury, volunteers with the Friends of Fletcher Moss Park and Parsonage Gardens.

I volunteer in Fletcher Moss Park and Parsonage Gardens. This involves any task required from making bids to planning a garden bed, to sweeping paths to planting, watering and distributing compost. I also use project organisational skills which I had acquired when working.

I have been volunteering for twelve years. I first saw a notice shortly after I had retired and turned up at the stated time. My first task was clearing paths of weeds with an established volunteer.

I wanted to get involved with volunteering as I wanted exercise which didn’t involve going to a gym. I couldn’t garden but I did like digging. I love being out in the open, getting exercise, learning about garden design and gardening, and helping to improve the local environment.

Volunteering gives me lots to do as a retired person, using the skills I had whilst at work. I’ve made new friends and feel appreciated. It makes me feel like I’m not an invisible older woman. I can still learn, be appreciated and contribute to the community.

If you are thinking about volunteering, I would say try it! It’s fun and helps mental, physical and social health. You only need to go once to decide if it’s for you. There are volunteers who have been able to develop a career in gardening from volunteering. There are a few with special needs who have really benefited.

My favourite volunteering memory is seeing the gardens I have helped to create looking beautiful and getting lots of thanks from the public, especially during lockdown.

What song best sums up your volunteering experience:
Fletcher Moss Park - Matthew Halsall

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