Factsheet 1a: Starting a new group
Factsheet 1b: Setting up a new group
Factsheet 3: Management committees
Factsheet 5: Policies and procedures
Factsheet 6: Trustee roles and responsibilities
Factsheet 7: Community Interest Companies: Directors’ legal responsibilities
Factsheet 8: Planning and holding meetings
Factsheet 9: Choosing a legal structure
Factsheet 10: Charity registration
Factsheet 11: Social enterprise
Factsheet 12: Volunteer policies
Factsheet 13: Managing volunteers
Factsheet 14: Getting ready for funding
Factsheet 16: Making applications
Factsheet 17: Cashflow forecasts and budgets
Factsheet 18: Accounts and bookkeeping
Factsheet 19: Charities and VAT
Factsheet 20: Health and safety
Factsheet 21: General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act
Factsheet 22: Being a good employer
Factsheet 23: Contracts of employment
Factsheet 24: Frequently asked questions about fixed-term contracts
Factsheet 25: Business planning
Factsheet 26: Quality assurance
Factsheet 27: Equal opportunities
Factsheet 29: Managing information
Factsheet 31: Marketing campaigns steps
Factsheet 32: Marketing strategies and plan
Factsheet 33: Publicity materials
Factsheet 34: Holding an event
‘3 what’s and a why’ towards developing a funding application
Ethical fundraising – how to conduct due diligence on potential donors
What to think about if your organisation is considering taking on a lease or tenancy of a property
10 top tips to improving cyber security
Social enterprise or charitable status – a brief guide
Macc guide to forming a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO)
Macc guide to registering a Community Interest Company (CIC)
Community Interest Statement template
CIC Registration problems: a learning experience
Recruitment and selection factsheet