All of our Factsheets

Factsheet 1a: Starting a new group

Factsheet 1b: Setting up a new group

Factsheet 2: Constitutions

Factsheet 3: Management committees

Factsheet 4: Insurance

Factsheet 5: Policies and procedures

Factsheet 6: Trustee roles and responsibilities

Factsheet 7: Community Interest Companies: Directors’ legal responsibilities

Factsheet 8: Planning and holding meetings

Factsheet 9: Choosing a legal structure

Factsheet 10: Charity registration

Factsheet 11: Social enterprise

Factsheet 12: Volunteer policies

Factsheet 13: Managing volunteers

Factsheet 14: Getting ready for funding

Factsheet 15: Funding sources

Factsheet 16: Making applications

Factsheet 17: Cashflow forecasts and budgets

Factsheet 18: Accounts and bookkeeping

Factsheet 19: Charities and VAT

Factsheet 20: Health and safety

Factsheet 21: General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act

Factsheet 22: Being a good employer

Factsheet 23: Contracts of employment

Factsheet 24: Frequently asked questions about fixed-term contracts

Factsheet 25: Business planning

Factsheet 26: Quality assurance

Factsheet 27: Equal opportunities

Factsheet 28: Accessibility

Factsheet 29: Managing information

Factsheet 30: Marketing

Factsheet 31: Marketing campaigns steps

Factsheet 32: Marketing strategies and plan

Factsheet 33: Publicity materials

Factsheet 34: Holding an event

Facing closure factsheet

Managing a funding crisis

‘3 what’s and a why’ towards developing a funding application

Ethical fundraising – how to conduct due diligence on potential donors

What to think about if your organisation is considering taking on a lease or tenancy of a property

10 top tips to improving cyber security

Social enterprise or charitable status – a brief guide

Macc guide to forming a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO)

Macc guide to registering a Community Interest Company (CIC)

Community Interest Statement template

CIC Registration problems: a learning experience

Weekly activity matrix

Becoming an employer

Equality Act 2010 factsheet

Job design factsheet

Line management factsheet

Recruitment and selection factsheet

Redundancy factsheet

Supervision and feedback factsheet

Risk of Legionella – Info for VCSE organisations factsheet