Health and Wellbeing

Macc launches Sharing Wellness Campaign on World Mental Health Day 2018

We are launching today, on World Mental Health Day 2018, the Sharing Wellness Campaign which will run until the end of January 2019. It is a Manchester-wide conversation about mental wellbeing and is supported by Manchester Health & Care Commissioning through its Mental Health Grants Programme.

Study into health and well-being of older people

The University of Manchester are investigating the health and well-being benefits of green space in cities for older people. (‘Green space' means trees, parks, woodland, ponds, rivers, canals, allotments, and so on.) University of Manchester

The research team are looking for people who are 65 or over who might be interested in taking part in a study that surveys reasons for valuing green space. 

Spirit of Manchester Story - Luncheon club provides safe, friendly environment for local senior citizens

Whitemoss Youth Club and Community Centre is celebrating it’s 62nd Anniversary this year. Run by young and older volunteers the centre caters for children aged 6 to 19 or 25 with disabilities and senior citizens through a regular luncheon club.

Spirit of Manchester Story - Fresh and tasty food, from community garden to table in less than five minutes

Sow the City, first established in 2009, is an award winning social enterprise based in Manchester. Now the leading specialist food-growing company in the city, Sow the City believes in encouraging people in urban areas to grow and eat nutritious food, whilst also strengthening local communities, reducing food transportation and creating jobs.

Spirit of Manchester Story - Arts and crafts, karaoke and pampering help bring joy to widows and widowers

The Widows Empowerment Trust, which was founded in January 2017, supports widows and widowers including those with dementia, with the goal of empowering widows and promoting social inclusion.

Today was their weekly arts and crafts and karaoke session. Oyovwe, founder and CEO of the Widows Empowerment Trust explained, “Our service users always look forward to these sessions, which help them with their self-esteem and to integrate with other people in the community.”

Neighbourhood Engagement Week

North Manchester Health Development Coordinators are holding a series of health-led neighbourhood discussions - and you're invited!

The aim of each session is to make new connections and strengthen existing ones in that neighbourhood and to find out from all who join in the health conversations what’s important to people at a neighbourhood level.

To make your connection - pick an event that is convenient for you.

An approach 'Move a little and often' with Health Conditions – take part in the research

You are invited to take part in a research study to explore a therapeutic approach called ‘Move a Little and Often’. This study is specifically for people who have long term conditions and low mood.

The purpose of the approach ‘Move a Little and Often’ is to reduce prolonged periods of sitting or lying down because spending a lot of time sitting or lying down during the day harms your health.

Green-fingered gardeners sow the seeds of success at North Manchester General Hospital

Older adults at North Manchester General Hospital can enjoy a new wellbeing garden thanks to green-fingered mental health service users and social enterprise Sow the City.

Service Users from Park House, part of Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust, have been taking part in the Hospital Beds project.

Spirit of Manchester Story - Manchester's residents need safe, happy, healthy relationships

TLC: Talk, Listen, Change is a relationships charity that was originally founded in 1981 to provide relationship support. After 35 years of delivering services, they disaffiliated from a national organisation in April 2017 and currently provide an extensive range of services across each of the 10 GM boroughs.

Spirit of Manchester Story - Patient Support Service at the Manchester Royal Eye Hospital "I've really benefited from the peer support"

Gail Brett is a Patient Support Officer for Henshaws, a charity that supports people of all ages with sight loss and a range of other disabilities across the North of England. Gail manages the Patient Support Service, which is based at the Manchester Royal Eye Hospital. The service helps individuals to cope with the emotional and practical difficulties that a sight loss diagnosis can bring, right at the moment they need it most.